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1. Stand/unit age:
- Old
- Mature
YES Young

2. Tree canopy structure:
- Multi-layered
- Mono-layered
YES Absence of tree layer

3. Understorey:
- Varied and multi-layered
- Herbaceous layer and scatter woody plants
- Absent
YES Other. Describe: Woody plants and scatter herbaceous layer 

4. Spatial distribution of trees:
YES Regular
- Slightly clumped
- Patches and gaps

5. How natural is the composition of tree species?
YES Fully
- Partly
- Exotic

6. How natural is the composition of other species?
YES Fully
- Partly
- Exotic

7. List the alien species present, if any:

8. Cover of sprouter species:
Total: <25% 
Tree species: 20% 
Shrub species: <5% 

9. Biological inventories:
Please list species inventoried and indicate number of species by taxa, if available
Taxa a) Before the project.  b) After the project.
Reference date: 1988  Reference date:  2005 
 Dominant species:
Vascular plants: Cistus ladanifer, Ulex sp. 
Rare / Endangered /
Threatened / Protected:
Total number of species inventoried:
Vascular plants: Pinus pinea, Quercus suber, Cistus ladanifer, Genista hirsuta, Lavandula sp., Ulex sp., Daphne gnidium, Olea europaea 
 Dominant species:
Vascular plants: Pinus pinea, Quercus suber, Cistus ladanifer 
Rare / Endangered /
Threatened / Protected:
Total number of species inventoried:
Birds: Alectoris rufa, Egretta garzetta, Anas platyrhynchos, Sylvia undata, Parus cristatus, Dendrocopus major, Cyanopica cyanus, Merops apiaster, Upupa epops, Oriolus oriolus, Garrulus glandarius, Buteo buteo, Milvus migrans, Streptopelia turtur; Mammals: Oryctolagus cuniculus, Lepus capensis, Vulpes vulpes, Genetta genetta, Sus scrofa; Reptiles: Mauremys leprosa, Podarcis bocagei, Natrix maura, Malpolon monspessulanus; Amphibians: Rana perezi, Triturus boscai  
 Dominant species:
Birds: Alectoris rufa; Mammals: Oryctolagus cuniculus 
Rare / Endangered /
Threatened / Protected:
Vulnerable: Streptopelia turtur 
Total number of species inventoried:

10. Absence of keystone or dominant species that would be expected:
- Yes
- No
YES Unknown
If yes, please list:  

11. Are any functional groups (shrub layer, annual legumes, perennial grasses, etc.) missing or endangered?
- Yes
- No
YES Unknown
If yes, please list:  

12. Presence of key species indicative of ecosystems at particular succesional stage:
- No
- Unknown
If yes, please list: Cistus ladanifer 

13. Presence of key species indicative of integrity of food webs:
- Yes
- No
YES Unknown
If yes, please list:  

14. Are there any genetic data available:
- Yes
- No
YES Unknown
If yes, please list:  

REACTION: This research is supported by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme, under contract EVK2-2002-80025