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1.- Microclimate: Unknown 

2.- Geology: Schist 

3.- General Topography Hilly 
a) Elevation (m): 720 
b) Slope (%): 10 - 25 
c) Aspect: NW 

4.- Soil description (see Annex 1): Orthi-dystric Leptosols 

5.- Soil depth (cm): 10 - 30 

6.- Water reserve (mm): n/a 

7. -Texture: Sandy loam to clay loam 
Does texture become heavier down the profile? No
Is this a gradual or abrupt change?  

8. Rock fragments (in brackets % rock-fragment cover)
- Bare to slightly stony (<20)
YES Stony (20-60)
- Very stony (>60) 

9. Carbonates
- Non calcareous
- Moderately calcareous
- Slightly calcareous
- Extremely calcareous

10. pH
YES Acid (<5.5)
- Slightly acid (6.5-5.5)
- Neutral (6.5-7.5)
- Slightly basic (7.5 -8.5)
- Very basic (> 8.5)

11. Nutritional status:
- Good 
- Medium 
- Low 
Limitant(s) nutrient(s). Describe:  

12. Compactation/cementation grade
- Strongly 
- Indurated
YES Moderately
- Not cemented nor compacted
- Surface compaction only

13. Drainage
- Excessive
- Somewhat excessive
YES Good drainage
- Poorly drained
- Permanent water layer at surface

14. Erosion (before the project):
Erosion/accumulation type: n/a 
Erosion/accumulation intensity: n/a 

15. Land use / cover type
Previous land use: Shrubland 
Previous plant formation: Atlantic / Mediterranean shrubland 
Actual land use: Pinus pinaster forest 

16. Main degradation impact (select from section II.6 and give details):
Soil erosion due to mismanagement of land (agriculture and pasture) 

REACTION: This research is supported by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme, under contract EVK2-2002-80025