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IV.5. SITE PREPARATION, Date(s): 1975 

1.- Describe application:
Marking of the contour lines, followed by stand installation in furrows and ridges using a one furrow plough towed by BD7 tracked tractor 

2. Area affected
- Single points
- Lines
YES Continuous
- Other. Describe:  

3. Alteration of soil profile
- Not altered
YES Partly altered

4. Type of operation
- Manual
YES Mechanical

5. Cultivation depth
- Surface (<40 cm)
- Medium (40-60 cm)
YES Deep (> 60 cm)

6. Difficulties and limitations encountered were due to:
- Parent rock
- Soil depth
- High stone content
- Steep slope
- Weather
- Tree density
- Amount of shrub volume
- Accessibility
YES No difficulties encountered
- Others, describe:  

7. Equipment
Plough; BD7 tracked tractor 

REACTION: This research is supported by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme, under contract EVK2-2002-80025