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1. Are there significant amounts of dead wood present in varying stages of decomposition? 
- Snags
- Down logs
YES Not significant

2. Average organic horizon thickness (cm):

3. Soil surface conditions:
Bare soil (%):
Degree of soil sealing/crusting:
- None
- Slight
- Moderate
- Severe
Presence of significant patchy or continuous biological crust?

4. Erosion/accumulation type
- None
- Sheet erosion
YES Rill erosion
- Gully erosion
- Badlands
- Accumulation
- Wind erosion/deposition
- Others:  

5. Erosion/accumulation intensity
- Nil
YES Slight
- Medium
- Moderate
- Severe
- Extreme

6. Stand dynamics
Succesional dynamics measured or observed
a.- Since the project implementation: pine forest  broad-leaved forest       
b.- Of non-restored reference area nearby during the same period:  pasture land  pine forest       

7. Did any relevant disturbance, such as fire, severe drought/frost, floods, pollution event, etc, affect the restored unit since project implementation?
- Yes
- No
YES Partly
If yes, please indicate the disturbance regime and regeneration pattern(s): 

8. Disturbance regime
Disturbance type/s Date/s (year/s)
Fire  1895 
Flooding  1891 

9. Regeneration pattern following the disturbance
Autosuccesion Relevant composition change Relevant land degradation Describe regeneration pattern
  no  no   
  no  no   

10. Any available data on stand productivity/carbon sequestration? Describe:

REACTION: This research is supported by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme, under contract EVK2-2002-80025