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IV.6. PLANTING & SEEDING:  Date(s): 

1. Species used Planted Seeded 2. Provenance  3. Area of application 
(% of total)
4. Type of distribution
a) in the whole area b) in certain habitats c) Describe:
Pinus halepensis  - - Sierra Espuña  50  YES -  
Pinus pinaster  - - Sierra Espuña  50  YES -  
Ulmus sp.  YES - Sierra Espuña  - YES Gullies 
Populus sp.  YES - Sierra Espuña  - YES Gullies 
Fraxinus sp.  YES - Sierra Espuña  - YES Gullies 
Salix sp.  YES - Sierra Espuña  - YES Gullies 
Quercus faginea  - YES Sierra Espuña  10  YES -  
Quercus ballota  - - Sierra Espuña  20  YES -  

5. Criteria for species selection (Rating from 1 to 10)
Ecological criteria
Disturbance regime
Degree of land degradation
Species autoecology
Potential vegetation 10 

Management criteria
Traditional use
Multifunctional use
Conservation 10 

Technical criteria
Nursery limitations
Seed availability

6. Describe application:
a) Type:
- Planting
- Seeding
YES Both
Description Manual planting or seeding in holes opened before. Forest canopy before introducing riparian species in the gullies. 
b) Equipment: .Manual action 
c) weather conditions on proximate days?
YES Unknown
- Favourable
- Unfavourable
d) Limitations / difficulties encountered (dry soils, seed/seedling predation,...):

7. Description of seedling / seeding mix
a) Species  Seedlings (if applicable) Seeding mix (if applicable)
b) Age of seedling c) Nursery container d) Density (nÂș/ha) e) Dosage (kg/ha) f) Seed pre-treatment
Type Volume (cm3)
Pinus halepensis  Pot  150  3000 (1500 holes/ha)  10 Kg (1000-2000 hol   
Pinus pinaster  Pot  150   3000 (1500 holes/ha)  10 Kg (1000-2000 hol   
Ulmus sp.  Pot  150  3000 (1500 holes/ha)     
Populus sp.  Pot  150  3000 (1500 holes/ha)     
Fraxinus sp.  Pot  150  3000 (1500 holes/ha)     
Salix sp.  Pot  150  3000 (1500 holes/ha)     
Quercus faginea             
Quercus ballota  Pot  150  3000 (1500 holes/ha)  10 Kg (1000-2000 hol   

REACTION: This research is supported by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme, under contract EVK2-2002-80025