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I.1. General description

1.- Project title:

Full title: 

Project for the defense, stabilisation and repopulation of dunes in the municipal area of Guardama 

Project code (acronym, for data base management purposes):


2. Location 

Country: Spain 
Region:  Alicante 
Counties included in project: Bajo Segura 
Toponymic site name: Guardamar del segura 
Centre point coordinates (UTM; European Datum):  
X (m): 706500 
Y (m): 4220000 

3. Time Frame (implementation period of the project).

Date of first restoration actions: 1900 
Date(s) when additional actions were undertaken:
Date Action
--- ---
Date when project ended: 1930 
Date when this form is completed:   

4. Size of Project:

Total size (ha): 647 
If possible, indicate size at successive stages in the project (for example: 1952: 500 ha, 1960: 450 ha,...): 

REACTION: This research is supported by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme, under contract EVK2-2002-80025