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1. Proportion of uses at regional scale (%) 
Agricultural: 50 
Forestry: 10 
Urban & Unproductive: 30 
Others Water  10 
Name of the reference region/province/county: 
Guardamar del Segura 

2. Which ecosystems/habitats once occurred and now occur in the project area?
  Before the project Present
% of project area Main species % of project area Main species
Mixed Mediterranean evergreen woodland forest          
Mediterranean shrublands (macchia, matorral, garrigue, phrygana,...)          
Evergreen oak woodland          
Deciduous forest          
Pine forest       90  Pinus pinea, Pinus halepensis 
Other conifer forest          
Savannah-type ecosystem (e.g., dehesa)          
Permanent grassland, prairie          
Annual grassland          
Riparian ecosystem          
Orchards, tree crops, etc.          
Annual winter crops          
Annual summer crops          
Bare land (fallows)          
Dune beach   100    10  Ammophilla arenaria, Ononix natrix 
Please indicate the reference date (e.g., at the Vtime of project implementation; 25, 50, etc. years before project implementation; etc.):
Just before project implementation (1897) 

3. In the project area, are there any abandoned agricultural terraces?
a) Date of abandonment of most of them -year(s) or decade(s):
b) Are they narrow (limiting agricultural mechanisation)?
c) What is their current degree of conservation?
- Good
- Medium
- Poor
d) Have they been repaired within the framework of the project?

4. Are there protected areas in the project area:
a) Describe relevant legislation (if any) related to species or habitat protection (add reference dates):
DOGV nº 4517(2003). Microrreserva: Dunas de Guardamar. 
b) Natura 2000 and other protected habitats:
Código Natura 2000: 1410; 1510*; 2210; 2230; 2250*; 2270*. 
c) Are there protected ecological corridors ?
d) Is there a protected area network ?

5. Landscape pattern:
(Please, provide maps if possible and indicate it in section I.2.3.) 
Yes No Partly Description
a) Is the project area connected to other similar ecosystem/habitat(s) in the surrounding area? - YES -  
b) Are project habitats fragmented into a number of patches? - YES - The activity forms a continuous unit in space 
c) Habitat patches within the project area are close enough to allow free interchange of species? - YES - There is no connection with similar areas 
d) Is there a natural gradation between habitats within the project area? - YES -  
e) Are project edges natural? - YES -  

6. Are there negative visual impacts?
a) Resulting from project implementation (e.g., terracing or subsoiling impacts):
b) Resulting from project maintenance works
c) Resulting from exploitation works
d) Resulting from other works

7. Flooding assessment at landscape/catchment scale
  Before the project Since project implementation
Reference period:  
Reference period:  
a) Flood frequency - Nil - Nil
- Once every 1-10 years  - Once every 1-10 years 
- Once every 10-20 years - Once every 10-20 years
- Once every 20-50 years - Once every 20-50 years
- Once every > 50 years - Once every > 50 years
b) Date of last recorded flood event (year(s))     
c) Comments on damages from last recorded flood event     

8. Erosion assessment at landscape/catchment scale
  Before the project Since project implementation
Reference period:  
Reference period:  
a) Erosion/sedimentation rate
(Mg ha-1 year-1) 
not quantified  not quantified 
b) Method of assessment
(USLE estimation, lake/reservoir/dam sedimentation, measurements at plot/catchment scale, etc.)

REACTION: This research is supported by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme, under contract EVK2-2002-80025