1. General Topography: |
Flat |
- |
Undulating |
- |
Hilly |
- |
Mountainous |
2. Elevation range (m):
Max |
Min |
Most representative |
50 |
0-50 |
3. Slope (%): |
<10% |
10-25% |
25-50% |
>50% |
100 |
4. General aspect: |
N |
NE |
E |
SE |
S |
SW |
W |
NW |
a) (% of area) |
100 |
b) Most representative aspect: |
Segura Basin |
5. Reference catchment |
a) Name: |
b) Catchment area (km2): |
18.815 |
c) Perimeter (km): |
d) Total length of main water course (km): |
325 |
6. Location of project area within the catchment area: |
a) Location: |
- |
Upper watershed |
- |
Middle |
- |
Lower |
- |
River banks/riparian |
- |
Other (describe): |
Dune system |
b) Project area (%) in relation to total catchment area: |
0.045 |
c) Does the project area drain directly to a reservoir? |
No |
REACTION: This research is
supported by the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" programme, under
contract EVK2-2002-80025